A blog about teaching and learning in a maths classroom.
← July 2012 | Archives Index | September 2012 →
First up, here on MathsClass, I’ve raised a question about being too helpful. Do you have any comments? Nordin’s comment is a good read.
As I said in an earlier post...
2012 is looking like a year of quiet reflection (i.e. maybe not much on this blog), contemplation and trial and error.
Here is some recent thinking, please comment.
A foldable for reviewing the Rules of Differentiation. Click the preview to see the full version.
Year 11 Mathematics have one of their three periods a week, last period on Fridays. Of course, they’re not highly motivated at that time.
The other week, we folded parabolas, I called it “Arts and Craft Friday”.
The next week, they surprised me by asking what we were doing for “Arts and Craft Friday”... I had nothing!
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MathsLinksSimon Job — eleventh year of teaching maths in a public high school in Western Sydney, Australia.
MathsClass is about teaching and learning in a maths classroom. more→
updates via @mathslinks