
A blog about teaching and learning in a maths classroom.

Using the web

Monday, 11 January 2010 | 4 Comments

I just posted on my personal blog about how I use the web, looking at how the various technologies (RSS) and tools (Google Reader, Delicious, Twitter) fit together.

You can read the article over there: Using the Web, but I made a diagram of how I use the web that I think is worth sharing here as well (click for a larger version).

Using the Web

Image caption: Using the Web by Simon Job, shared under a Creative Commons BY NC SA License

That’s how I use the web. How are you using these various tools? Do they have their own place like they do for me, or do you use them more in a mix? Have you done away with RSS or blog reading? Do you still not give a hoot about Twitter?

Posted in • ElsewhereJust StuffMediaDiagramTechnologyTwitter | Short URL:


Stu on  11 January 10  at  01:06 AM #
Now that's a great idea, encapsulating how you use the web in a single diagram that others can follow. Now I'm going to have to make my own version... It's good to do this self-reflection and also see what others do at the same time. Thanks for sharing.
Tania Kennedy on  11 January 10  at  10:50 AM #
I like the diagram although it doesn't separate professional/personal use. Recently, I've made more of a separation between professional networking (using twitter) and personal networking (using Facebook). I use "Tweetdeck": to access both Facebook and Twitter at the same time, which is fabulous, but I use them quite distinctly and try not to mix the two.


Simon Job on  12 January 10  at  02:17 AM #
One of the things that I didn't really say in association with this diagram, is that it's worthwhile noticing that Twitter is not central. This thought was prompted by a retweet from "Steve J. Moore": which lead to a blog article with this: bq. ... we’re all becoming very good at passing interesting information on from one to another, but not actually reading and reflecting on any of it. Source: "1000 tweets but still not sure why":


Simon Job on  12 January 10  at  02:18 AM #
Tania, I wasn't really thinking "personal" in creating the diagram. Like you, personal stuff is primarily on Facebook if at all, or Flickr for photo sharing. But, I do use Twitter for more than education, in particular other areas of interest. Tweetdeck is available for Mac, but I use "Socialite":

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Simon Job — eleventh year of teaching maths in a public high school in Western Sydney, Australia.
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