A blog about teaching and learning in a maths classroom.
← May 2013 | Archives Index | July 2013 →
Sydney, Australia, based teachers put Thursday 1st August 2013 in your diary for the TeachMeet Australian Curriculum Maths.
Teachers in NSW, are currently programming for the New NSW K–10 syllabuses for the Australian curriculum which will be implemented from 2014.
This week, MathsLinks hit 700 links all categorised by topics and syllabus.
Lots of additions to the Downloadable Essentials section on MathsKit this week. Including: A page of table of values and coordinate grids, pages of number lines, some more pie charts and trigonometric graphs, blank, degrees and radians.
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MathsLinksSimon Job — eleventh year of teaching maths in a public high school in Western Sydney, Australia.
MathsClass is about teaching and learning in a maths classroom. more→
updates via @mathslinks