A blog about teaching and learning in a maths classroom.
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Most teachers have a USB stick full of their teaching resources… similarly most schools have a file server with a Mathematics folder chocked full of stuff that has been randomly downloaded, scanned or created.
But, what about web-sites? I’ve seen many Word docs named “websites.doc” and shake my head. At a professional development course I went to, the presenter had addresses for web-sites he used in a text file, I suggested he use MathsLinks, but his reasoning was sound – he had the links with him with other resources for a lesson. Social bookmarking sites like Pinboard (my recommendation, here are my maths bookmarks) are great, but I found categorising on MathsLinks suited me even better, then I made it public.
Now I’m adding some features to MathsLinks which are a little bit old-school, but will hopefully make it more useful when programming and sharing links with colleagues:
Save link to your computer – this will download a “url” file to your computer, a shortcut to the web-site. Double click it on your machine and you will be taken to the site. (Mac users, it will open Safari, no option)
Print to PDF – downloads a PDF with the essentials about the web-site with links to the site on MathsLinks as well as direct to the site.
Try it on these links…
Yesterday, I announced that I added a Maths Bingo game to MathsStarters. Since then, I’ve added Expansion (algebraic) and Unit conversion games.
I reckon Maths Bingo is a great starter, ender or in-betweener…
First up, a visual refresh to MathsKit. I hope it’s easier to find the best resources in each category. A more obvious menu and each category is initially limited to 5 links with a click to show more. What gets in the top five depends on “recommends” a link has received.
On MathsLinks, I tweaked the NSW K-10 Mathematics Syllabus page to include Early Stage 1 and Stage 1 outcomes. I’ve also brought all the outcomes onto that page in hopefully a easy to use way.
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MathsLinksSimon Job — eleventh year of teaching maths in a public high school in Western Sydney, Australia.
MathsClass is about teaching and learning in a maths classroom. more→
updates via @mathslinks